SKYFALL Thread - Newman's Score, What a Drag

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John Johnson
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#46 Post by John Johnson »

If this is the route they are going, I can't say I'm all that excited about another QOS storyline. With the exception of the opening sequence to QOS and David Arnold's score there was little to enjoy.
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#47 Post by Monterey Jack »

Rachel Weisz is stunning and a fine actress, so she'd definitely be a step up from Olga Whasthername from QOS. That said, the series needs to start adding the "classic" Bond elements back in again. There's no reason they can't keep up the Bourne/Bauer "gritty" tone and still allow room for the occasional dry wisecrack or sexy interplay between Bond and his Girl. Craig does have plenty of charm (witness his sharply-written repartee with Eva Green in Casino Royale when he teasingly tells her her code name is "Sylvia Broadchest"), so it's a shame they're allowing the "blunt instrument" half of his personality to have the upper hand. Hell, even Timothy Dalton was allowed more opportunities to be charming and witty, and everybody hated his films when they were first released for being "too serious". :? A Bond movie along the lines of The Living Daylights would be great...a well-plotted espionage storyline with good action sequences (sans "seizure-cam" editing), some real romance, and a few well-placed quips ("I gave him the boot").

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#48 Post by AndyDursin »

A Bond movie along the lines of The Living Daylights would be great...a well-plotted espionage storyline with good action sequences (sans "seizure-cam" editing), some real romance, and a few well-placed quips ("I gave him the boot").
Yeah I'd take that in a second!

Unfortunately I think Craig is part of the issue -- from what I've read he takes himself quite seriously and thus the tone of these movies is being dictated to some degree by him.

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#49 Post by mkaroly »

I thought The Living Daylights was one of the better later-era Bond films. I am also a big fan of OHMSS. While I have defended QoS in other threads (and have not changed my mind), I am not that opposed to lightening up Bond as long as there is a good balance between the comedy and the seriousness. I am concerned that they would return to a gadget-fest and outrageousness (as could be found generally in the Brosnan films) that I just don't like. I just want a decent balance. Connery films before YOLT did a good job in that regard. Moore films leaned too much to the gadgets and comedy for my taste (though I love Moonraker and FYEO). Dalton was good but I didn't like LtK, and Brosnan films started off well but finished poorly for me.

I can totally see Weisz as a villainess...she has the look and she could run with that. Personally, I though Elektra from TWiNE was a great villain...too bad the male villain was a dud. If Weisz can manage to do an Elektra, that would be good for me (even though I don't give her a lot of credit as an actress). Based on the lackluster Bond girl sidekicks that have traditionally been by his side, the villainess is the role to play.

Just make a good, balanced movie for Pete's sake!

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#50 Post by John Johnson »

Lady Gaga for Bond theme?

Lady Gaga is reportedly in negotiations with movie bosses to record the next James Bond theme tune. Film chiefs are said to be keen to land the Poker Face hitmaker to perform the lead track for the forthcoming 007 movie, which will be directed by Sam Mendes.

A source tells The Sun, "Bond bosses are all huge Gaga fans. Her sound and sense of drama make her the top choice.

"Gaga has the look as well as the voice to tackle a thundering ballad. She's a great songwriter too. This is perfect on every level." ... 0bd6d.html
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#51 Post by Monterey Jack »

Where's Shirley Bassey when you need her? :cry:

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#52 Post by AndyDursin »

Lady Gaga and Sam Mendes.

An unbeatable combination.

:roll: :lol:

Hopefully this will actually be a song as opposed to the last group of Bond themes. No matter how "commercial" and rock-heavy they've tried to make the last few themes, I don't think any of them were all that successful in terms of selling units. Might as well go back to basics -- but this doesn't seem to be the case.

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#53 Post by AndyDursin »

Monterey Jack wrote:Where's Shirley Bassey when you need her? :cry:
Apparently David Arnold just produced and arranged a new album for her too.

Would have been the perfect opportunity to bring her back into the series... :(

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#54 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Would have been the perfect opportunity to bring her back into the series... :(
To date, she's been the only singer/group to perform more than one 007 title track, so it'd be a wonderful way to connect these Craig movies to the character's past to bring back Bassey. But then again, they'd need to give her a decent song. :? Even if John Barry doesn't want to score the movies anymore, it'd be awesome if he could just write the title song with one of his old Bond collaborators (what's Don Black doing these days? :wink: ). Then David Arnold could weave Barry's theme song through his underscore.

There's something wrong when the title song for The Man With The Golden Gun is catchier and more memorable (in a horrible way) than anything written for a bond movie since "Surrender" from Tomorrow Never Dies. :shock:

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#55 Post by Monterey Jack »

Sometimes I wish / Roger Moore would come back

With an underwater car / Or some kind of jet pack

Or a hover-gondola / And a Union Jack

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#56 Post by AndyDursin »

To date, she's been the only singer/group to perform more than one 007 title track, so it'd be a wonderful way to connect these Craig movies to the character's past to bring back Bassey. But then again, they'd need to give her a decent song. Confused Even if John Barry doesn't want to score the movies anymore, it'd be awesome if he could just write the title song with one of his old Bond collaborators (what's Don Black doing these days? Wink ). Then David Arnold could weave Barry's theme song through his underscore.
I think Arnold himself has the goods to do the job -- if they'd only let him. You mentioned SURRENDER, and for me, Arnold's song there ranks with Barry's best Bond songs IMO. That tune was utterly fabulous with sweet melodic hooks and Bondian "riffs" even if it was relegated to the end credits. So he definitely has the goods to write a big Bond ballad like that one -- but I'm guessing the producers don't want him to do it, or even write a song in that general direction again.

The approach is what they seem to be struggling with. The Madonna tune sucked, the Alicia Keys-Jack White tune sucked, the Sheryl Crow song sucked...Garbage's song was "meh" but I guess that's better than sucking lol. Chris Cornell's CASINO ROYALE tune would have been okay with another vocalist but it was too over-produced and excessive to work. I guess the key there is when Arnold is involved the songs are at least respectable, but I'd like to see a return to a BALLAD, which is what most Bond songs were for years.

You're right, though, even the worst Barry bond tune (which I agree would be MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN) is preferrable to the junk they've turned out, with one major exception, since the Brosnan films started.

If Arnold could write another tune along the lines of SURRENDER -- or even score one of these films as well as he did TOMORROW NEVER DIES, which for me was easily his best Bond score -- they'd be fine. But I think he takes the marching orders from the Broccolis and MGM, it's not really up to him.

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#57 Post by John Johnson »

Kate Winslet is reportedly angry that Sam Mendes is in touch with his ex-girlfriend Rachel Weisz.

Winslet and Mendes announced their split earlier this year.

However, the Daily Mail claims that Mendes, who is thought to be lined up to direct the next James Bond movie, has contacted Weisz to ask if she wants a role in the film.

"As soon as Kate and Sam split, he was on the phone asking Rachel if she was interested in doing the movie," a source said. "Rachel has always been persona non grata in the Winslet-Mendes household and Kate went ballistic when she heard that Sam wanted to hire her.

"Sam has wanted to work with Rachel for ages, but Kate would not allow it. Although they ran in the same Hollywood circles, they avoided each other."

Weisz recently admitted that she would love a role in the new James Bond film. ... talks.html
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Re: Bond 23.

#58 Post by John Johnson »


According to the industry blog Deadline, "American Beauty" director Sam Mendes has taken himself out of the running to direct "The Hunger Games", the first in a trilogy of apocalyptic survival stories.

The director who has been in talks to direct Bond 23, and prior to the production halt was on the team as a consultant, was amongst David Slade and Gary Ross as possible directors for the feature film adaptation.

A Deadline source says that Medes took himself out of the running "because the MGM picture is clearing up and it looks like production on 007 could begin by late summer or early fall, 2011 with Mendes at the helm and Daniel Craig back in the Aston Martin." ... mi6&s=news
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Re: Bond 23.

#59 Post by AndyDursin »

Mendes and Bond, like I said before, isn't the dream team combo I'm hoping for. This series needs an injection of humor after the stone-faced, horrid QUANTUM OF SOLACE and it sounds like Mendes and Craig will be taking it to an even darker place (just what it needs, right?) if they end up making the next picture.

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SKYFALL - Adele's Theme Song Released

#60 Post by AndyDursin »

Thank goodness this isn't another convoluted sequel to QUANTUM OF SOLACE. Here's hoping Bond does something more than act like a thug in this installment.

I also have zero qualms with Bardem -- that's an immediate upgrade over the bland European bad guys (and no name actors) they've been going for lately -- though I'd prefer an actual actress over a supermodel with no acting experience (doesn't seem like she's even acted in France very much!).

This morning in London, Sony Pictures had a big press conference about the next James Bond movie, the one that has been rumored and delayed and speculated about for months upon years. Sitting up there on stage were Daniel Craig, and Judi Dench, and director Sam Mendes and even Javier Bardem, who is gonna play the bad guy. It really happened. The movie is totally coming now. They had a press conference: They can't back out at this point.

The more prurient of you are probably wondering: "So, who's the hot Bond girl?" Well, you Y-chromosome-driven Beavis: It's Bérénice Marlohe, a French model who has, in fact, never appeared in an English-speaking movie before. (She has barely been in any French-speaking ones.)

She will play "a glamorous, enigmatic character named Severin." That's to say: A Bond girl. If you want to know a bit more about what she looks like -- and we suspect you do -- has a definitive photo gallery.

Onto the other news: According to the press conference, they are starting shooting ... today. Probably a good idea, considering the movie is expected to be out a year from now. There were lots of news items to come out of the press conference, but here's the most impressive one to us: James Bond now has a Twitter! Obviously, the handle is @007. That Twitter account gave out all kinds of details about the film during the press conference. Here are the key ones:

"The title of Bond 23 will be....Skyfall." That's the first one-word Bond title since "GoldenEye."
"Ben Whishaw, Ralph Fiennes and Albert Finney will all be joining the Skyfall cast." We would watch Albert Finney chew on straw for two hours.
"Javier Bardem will play Skyfall's villain." So there's official confirmation of that, in case you were wondering why he was on stage.
"Director Sam Mendes says Skyfall "is its own story. It doesn't connect with the last two movies." This is good. We were already tired of the "guilty Bond" storyline.

The movie will film in London, Istanbul, Shanghai and Scotland and be released next fall. It'll be the first Bond film since "Quantum of Solace" in 2008, a film that left most neither shaken nor stirred. But the goodwill of "Casino Royale," and Craig's total reboot of the character, still goes a long way, particularly with that cast. ... 44752.html

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