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News, Notes & Other Musings (3/29)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:29 pm
by AndyDursin
Just got caught up on a few news items:

-Kal Penn & Parker Posey are playing Lex Luthor's hench-people in SUPERMAN? Sounds good to me. Penn was really funny in "Harald & Kumar" and Posey is goofy enough to pull that off. I was thinking more along the lines of Valerie Perrine but I'm sure Posey will make it work.

-Selma Blair is playing the Adrienne Barbeau role in THE FOG remake, eh? OK...not sure how I feel about that. The other casting (Tom Welling, Maggie Grace) sounds good.

-THE BAD NEWS BEARS remake is coming out this summer, too...I must have missed the announcement. I guess Billy Bob is a good choice, but I assume he's just going to be repeating his "Bad Santa" role. Greg Kinnear and Marcia Gay Harden round out a strong supporting cast. Richard Linklater directs...could be interesting. Hopefully it'll be funny!

-Marvel's MAN-THING movie goes straight to TV with a Sci-Fi Channel airing later in April. Check your local listings as they say.

-I vote Jessica Biel (or Lost's Evangeline Lilly) for WONDER WOMAN.

-So, is it Clive Owen for Bond in CASINO ROYALE?? Do we know?? Does Eon even know??

-Rufus Sewell is a very inspired choice to play the heavy in MASK OF ZORRO 2. Sounds good to me.

-M. Night Shayalman leaves Disney so he can make a mermaid thriller at Warner Bros. (because Disney turned it down no less). Sounds to me like Night may be jumping off the deep end. (I recall a horrible made-for-cable movie with a similar subject called SHE-CREATURE surfacing a few years back). If it's misguided, I'd just assume buy Newton Howard's score than see the movie, just like THE VILLAGE. The plot says "The film, billed as a fantasy thriller, tells the story of an apartment building superintendent who finds a water nymph in the building's swimming pool." Bryce Dallas Howard and Paul Giamatti star. Weird!

-Is SIN CITY actually going to be entertaining, or is this the next SKY CAPTAIN??

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:09 am
by romanD
Parker Posey is in SUPERMAN? That's alone a reason for me to watch it.. or maybe even the only one... she is hilarious. They should let her continue the BLADE franchise as she was the only good thing about BLADE 3...

Selma Blair as Adrienne Barbeau? couldn't they get at least for that part someone older? Now it is really just the Teenie version of THE FOG isn't it? Sigh... I see a PG-13 rating coming... still, wondering who will score it? Hope the direcotr doesn't continue his relationship with Elia Cmiral (or Billy Corgan.. yuk)... Chris Young would be nice for it, wouldn't he?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:21 pm
by AndyDursin
Elia Cmiral?? There's another WHATEVER HAPPENED TO... flash in the pan :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:36 am
by romanD
well, it seems as if he didn't survive (among many others) the BATTLEFIELD EARTH disaster. Well, never liked his music much anyway... his last effort was SPECIES III and some additional music for RESIDENT EVIL 2 (he wrote around 15 minutes, but only around 1.30 were used in the end... no surprise as I thought his extra music was a) too different to Danna's work and b) pretty bad... the producers rather used some cues by Danna repeatedly than using Cmirals work).

What was the score to SPECIES III btw? Did he use some of Youngs themes? Probably not... was it orchestral at all?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:47 am
by Eric W.
AndyDursin wrote:Elia Cmiral?? There's another WHATEVER HAPPENED TO... flash in the pan :)
He's terrible. Good riddance. All he did was make noise.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:06 am
by Monterey Jack
Q-BanditZ wrote:
AndyDursin wrote:Elia Cmiral?? There's another WHATEVER HAPPENED TO... flash in the pan :)
He's terrible. Good riddance. All he did was make noise.

I still really like his score to Ronin. Everything else he's done, however, has been pretty weak.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:22 pm
by Eric W.
Monterey Jack wrote:
Q-BanditZ wrote:
AndyDursin wrote:Elia Cmiral?? There's another WHATEVER HAPPENED TO... flash in the pan :)
He's terrible. Good riddance. All he did was make noise.

I still really like his score to Ronin. Everything else he's done, however, has been pretty weak.
Ok, that's true. Ronin had some decent moments.