Inception. A good movie at last!

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Eric W.
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Inception. A good movie at last!

#1 Post by Eric W. »

Look at that average rating for over 5,000 people already! 9.3/10

Another Christopher Nolan cerebral mind trip. I can't wait to see it. I'm a big fan of Nolan's work whether its Memento, Prestige, or the two Batmans and now this.

I've heard a lot of good things about it already and I've even seen press where a lot of Hollywood is rooting for it because they know that the "brainless large spectacles have run their course." That's a direct quote that I saw.

That's right. You want this thing to succeed. Go see it. Go support it even if you don't care about it at all because maybe, just maybe, we'll start getting some quality movies with some substance again.

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

IMDB averages mean nothing to me to be honest. The "fanboy" movement encourages people to vote -- I mean, isn't THE DARK KNIGHT the greatest movie of all-time, ever made, according to IMDB voters? lol.

I wrote in the other thread I was curious to see what people here thought. One friend of mine liked it a great deal but thought it was overlong. Another felt it was like Nolan's prior films, meaning it was visually fascinating yet cold and lacking in emotion.

I had some reservations about THE DARK KNIGHT so I'm curious if it's really as good as advertised or isn't another overrated film from the director. I like some of his work but you'd think he was the second coming of Kubrick if you listened to online fanboys. Some of his films, especially THE PRESTIGE, I find totally overrated. INSOMNIA wasn't anything special either.

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#3 Post by Eric W. »

^^ All fair points but even at that: I'm pretty sure this is going to be a quality movie and one of the best thing that's come out in months not named Toy Story 3. Might even be the movie of the summer outright besides Toy Story 3.

I know that's not saying much but still.

It's a start if nothing else. ;)

I hope it succeeds.

I wouldn't be surprised if people feel it's a bit long for a theater watch. I find that I like Nolan's movies a lot better at home myself.

^^ Not bad. I think you've cited RT around here before. FWIW.

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#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Yeah, I just can't take IMDB or RT ratings seriously as a measure of a film's real stature, though obviously it gives you a fair indication of good/bad overall. Pretty clearly LAST AIRBENDER isn't that bad but it has one of the lowest Tomato meter ratings in history -- meaning it's one of the worst movies of all-time on that scale...yet given box-office/audience reception as well as some mixed reviews, it does not seem to be the case. IMDB is a popularity contest -- is THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION the greatest film ever made as it currently sits among the IMDB ratings??

Still I'm sure INCEPTION is good, very good indeed. I'm going to see it asap. :)

Eric W.
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#5 Post by Eric W. »

If Airbender can perform, this thing will definitely perform. :)

Look forward to your review. :)

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#6 Post by mkaroly »

I have to wait until the weekend to see it, but I'm excited about the film. I too enjoy Nolan's work....INSOMNIA wasn't all that great to me, but I did thoroughly like THE PRESTIGE and, of course, MEMENTO and the two BATMAN films.

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#7 Post by Monterey Jack »


Visually dazzling and packed full of ideas, but kind of sputters out at the end (was the mission successful, or not? We're never told :?). Still, highly recommended in such a creatively bankrupt summer.

Eric W.
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#8 Post by Eric W. »

Monterey Jack wrote:8.5/10

Visually dazzling and packed full of ideas, but kind of sputters out at the end (was the mission successful, or not? We're never told :?). Still, highly recommended in such a creatively bankrupt summer.
Good enough for me.

I find that Nolan's films tend to fare even better at home vs. in the theater.

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#9 Post by mkaroly »

I must admit I was thoroughly entertained. Zimmer's score was very much like his DARK KNIGHT stuff, so if you didn't like TDK score you won't like this one (I would guess). Interesting premise and visual presentation that I found fascinating. On first watch, not a whole lot to complain about, though the story twists and turns are a little "soap-opera-ish" in their revelations. This one is definitely worth seeing in the theater and getting out of the house for 2.5 hours, IMO. I'm happy for Nolan because I really enjoy his films, and this one delivered some goods. The best thing I can say about it is that I want to watch it a few more times to absorb everything that was going on, so when the DVD comes out I will buy it.

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Re: Inception. A good movie at last!

#10 Post by Jedbu »

I just loved this film-it actually compels you to THINK while you are watching it and to continue doing so afterwards. Some of the most mind blowing imagery I have ever seen in a film (the Paris street peeling back and the weightless fight scene-priceless!). I am such a fan of Christopher Nolan-yes, Andy, I know how you felt about DARK KNIGHT-he does not make junk food films, his compositions are just incredible, and any director who keeps Ken Watanabe working is alright with me. :D


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